(by Dan Peterson sic et non blog)
Reports about Martin Harris upon his arrival in Utah in 1870, from Susan Easton Black and Larry C. Porter, Martin Harris: Uncompromising Witness of the Book of Mormon (Provo: BYU Studies, 2018):
From Irinda McEwan, his grandniece, at whose home in Salt Lake City he stayed for a while:
Anyone who heard Martin Harris describe the scenes and bear his testimony to the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon could not help but be deeply impressed with his sincerity and his absolute conviction of the truth of what he was saying. (cited on 435)
William Waddoups, who conversed with Harris while the witness was there in the city, reports what he said:
“Young man, I had the privilege of being with the Prophet Joseph Smith, and with these eyes of mine,” pointing to his eyes, “I saw the angel of the Lord, and saw the plates and the Urim and Thummim and the sword of Laban, and with these ears,” pointing to his ears, “I heard the voice of the angel, and with these hands,” holding out his hands, “I handled the plates containing the record of the Book of Mormon, and I assisted the Prophet in the translation thereof. I bear witness that this testimony is true.” (cited on 436)
Joseph F. Smith, in a record of Martin Harris’s 17 September 1870 re-baptism that is dated 28 September 1870:
He still firmly declares that his Testimony in the Book of Mormon is true. And has ever been unwavering in his faith in that book and his testimony thereto. (cited on 437-438)
[Edward] Stevenson invited a number of friends, including James T. Woods and G. D. Keaton, to his residence for an evening in which Martin related certain of his experiences. Woods asked the witness to explain the manner in which the angel Moroni exhibited the plates to him. He confidently responded, “The angel stood on the opposite side of the table on which were the plates, the interpreters, &c., and took the plates in his hands and turned them over.” To illustrate the angel’s position, “Martin took up a book and turned the leaves over one by one.” He testified, “The angel declared that the Book of Mormon was correctly translated by the power of God and not of man, and that it contained the fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Nephites.” He further attested that “the witnesses were required to bear their testimony of these things, and of his open vision to all the people, and he (Harris) testified, not only to those present but to all the world, that these things were true, and before God whom he expected to meet in the day of Judgment he lied not.” (440)
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