A veteran of World War Two, my father had served with the 11th Armored Division in General George Patton’s U.S. Third Army. One of his pivotal, life-changing experiences was his involvement in the liberation of the Nazi death camp at Mauthausen, Austria. It affected him for life, and he wanted me to know about it and to remember it. I have.
Tragically, the death camp (as exemplified at locations like Buchenwald, Auschwitz and Mauthausen, the Cambodian “killing fields,” Vietnamese “reeducation camps,” the Soviet “Gulag,” and various institutions throughout Communist China) ranks among the major creations of the twentieth century—not quite novel but certainly taken to a massively higher level. In these infamous places, modern managerial techniques and, often, cutting-edge industrial technology were employed to murder scores of millions of people.
Quietly and without fanfare, though, an effort that directly contradicts these totalitarian attempts at liquidation and erasure has been gathering steam since the first half of the nineteenth century. In the family history research fostered by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, an attempt is underway to identify every individual human person who has ever lived and to recover and reconstruct the family relationships that link us all together. It’s not coincidental that the words “genocide” and “genealogy” share the same Greek root, “genos,” meaning (among other things) “race” or “lineage.”
Baptisms for the dead began to be performed by followers of the Prophet Joseph Smith during the 1840s in Nauvoo, Illinois. “Upon his church,” remarked his unbelieving biographer Fawn Brodie, “now rested the burden of freeing the billions of spirits who had never heard the law of the Lord. Nauvoo had become the center not only of the world, but also of the universe.”
Brodie presumably intended her comment ironically and with condescension. For once, though, she was right. But Nauvoo didn’t conclude the development of doctrines and practices associated with the redemption of the dead. (That development plainly continues still.) The required ordinances beyond baptism were first performed on behalf of the dead in the St. George Utah Temple. “It is hard,” comments historian Richard Bennett, “to overemphasize the importance of what happened for the first time in the St. George Temple in January 1877.”
We aren’t mere interchangeable exemplars of a class or set. Each human person is of infinite and eternal intrinsic value, of inestimable worth, with unimaginable potential.
“What is gold or silver in comparison to the redemption of our dead?” asked Wilford Woodruff, who served as the first president of the temple in St. George. “Nothing.”
Temples affirm human dignity in a war in which the Adversary has scored painful victories but in which the Lord, his faithful Saints, and, indeed, all of God’s children will ultimately triumph.
See Richard E. Bennett, Temples Rising: A Heritage of Sacrifice (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2019).
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