The Book of Mormon, which Reign of Judges is based on, is a fantastically unique piece of literature for many reasons worth mentioning but for two reasons worth emphasizing. First, the Book obviously exists so its realty invites sincere, honest inquisition. Second, although It must be confessed the Book of Mormon’s authenticity cannot be fully proven beyond a reasonable doubt, it also cannot be fully disproven applying the same standa
...rd. For every negative challenge brought against it there exist several stubborn facts that frankly seem to support it. Hence, the Book of Mormon inadvertently becomes the perfect object to test one’s faith—to discover, through faith and total reliance on the God of truth, whether it is or is not authentic. And because of what the Book of Mormon purports to be—“Another Testament of Jesus Christ”, “the most correct of any book on earth”, and a book that will even judge the world (together with the Bible and other sacred records had among the nations)—because of these audacious claims, whether founded of unfounded, the test of the Book of Mormon’s authenticity should rank among the most important pursuits of all humanity. For, if the Book of Mormon is authentic, it logically follows (as hard as this pill, for some, may be to swallow) that Joseph Smith was indeed a prophet called by Almighty God who saw what he said he saw. And if that is true, then what does it say about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? So, I put it to you, have you yet read and prayerfully studied the Book of Mormon? If not, you owe it to yourself to give it a go. After all, it is the fourth most influential book in American literature.
Come on, your at least a little curious.
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