Defending the restored church of Christ - I created this blog back in 2013 to provide an alternative to what I saw at the time as a lot of bad "Mormon blogs" that were floating around the web. I originally named it "Mormon Village" but after Pres. Nelson asked members to not use the name Mormon as much I changed it to LatterDayTemplar. Also, it was my goal to collect and share a plethora of positive and useful information about what I steadfastly believe to be Christ's restored church. It has been incredibly enjoyable and I hope you find the information worthwhile.

Monday, May 13, 2019

What's new: 'The Parables of Jesus: Revealing the Plan of Salvation' explores the Savior's teachings

“THE PARABLES OF JESUS: Revealing the Plan of Salvation,” by John W. and Jeannie S. Welch, art by Jorge Cocco Santangelo, art commentary by Herman Du Toit, Covenant Communications, $29.99, 208 pages (nf)

John W. “Jack” and Jeannie S. Welch explore nearly two dozen of the parables that Jesus shared during his ministry in the book “The Parables of Jesus: Revealing the Plan of Salvation.”

This table top book combines scholarship and art to share unique perspectives of the parables, including how it related to the Plan of Salvation, as taught by in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The exploration of parables started when the authors visited the Chartres Cathedral two decades ago and began exploring the medieval interpretation of the parable of the Good Samaritan. That study expanded to all of Jesus’ parables.

Each chapter has sections on setting and context and includes the text from the King James Version of scriptures with commentary and an explanation of where Jesus can be found in the parable. Also included are an artistic portrayal of the parable painted by Jorge Cocco Santangelo with observations by Herman Du Toit on both artistic and scriptural perspectives.

In the parable of the good Samaritan, the authors share 18 symbols and parallels and explain how it’s an analogy to the Plan of Salvation. For the parable of the house upon the rock, there is a side-by-side look at the wording in Matthew and Luke. Cocco's pencil sketches of “The Sower” are also included.

“The Parables of Jesus” provides a wealth and depth of information that can help readers dig deeper in to the teachings of Jesus.

Jack Welch teaches at BYU’s J. Rueben Clark Law School, is the chairman of and an editor in the BYU New Testament Commentary Series. Jeannie Welch, who is retired, taught in the BYU French department and was the director of its Foreign Language Student Residence.

Du Toit is the former head of audience education and research at BYU’s Museum of Art in Provo and has been an art educator, curator, administrator, critic and author.

Cocco, of Argentina, calls his painting style “sacro-cubism” and has also worked in Spain and Mexico.

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